Thursday, June 19, 2008

Favourite Author

Though i don't read much book. But from all those i have read, my favourite author would be mitch albom. I like his style of writing, its sort of playing with a kite. Knowing when to let go and pull back. He lets fills you in with details just enough so that you would want to flip to the next page. And every page is filled with new excitement and details about the story. I enjoy it when he includes the tiny details and facts which make the story very realistic. It is also very readable at the same time, as he uses mostly simple english, just in a very interesting way. His ending are also as good as the starting of his book, it makes you have that sense of satisfaction, not from finishing the book but from finishing the story, if you understand what i mean. He is a great author and most of his books are based on his personal experience or referal to them.

5 facts about him:
1.) Albom first gained fame as a sports columnist for the Detroit Free Press newspaper
2.) Albom is part of a rock band, The Rock Bottom Remainders, whose members are all published writers
3.) He also co-wrote the Warren Zevon song Hit Somebody (The Hockey Song) which featured David Letterman singing vocals.
4.) he started a Detroit volunteer group in 1998 called "A Time to Help".
5.) Albom was briefly suspended from the Detroit Free Press for pre-writing and submitting an article about an event that didn't occur.

comment: quite a interesting guy, with a funny life though.:D

june holiday week4

Well day 3 was just more shopping, eating and sleeping. Nothing much to mention about. So on to day 4, that morning after we had a sumpteous breakfast. We made our way to the largest go-kart indoor race track in asia. It was my second time go-karting. However this time, the cars were at least 60km/h, much faster than the previous time. It was one of the greatest things i've ever experience in my life, the rush of adrenaline is indescribable. I went for 5 rounds and it only costed S$60, which was quite economical. In the night, my dad, brother and i went to a pub to grab a couple of drinks. Although i was underage, but the thai people did not bother and just served me alcohol like any other customers. We had a johnny walker's soda mix, it was perfect with the bad playing at the back. Then, a waitress approach me and ask me if i wanted more drinks. Hearing her voice, i thought she would be some pretty thai waitress. To my horror, it was a tranvetite, i almost spat out my drink. My dad and bro giggled as they watched me approached by her. That was hell of an experience. The last day was just a little more shopping and drinking den that was the end of my adventures in Bangkok.

june holiday week3

Finally, we manage to make our way through the polluted air and not to mention the hot weather. The shopping centre was HUGE. There were about a thousand stalls altogether on all 7 floors. Every floor specialised in selling something, for example the 1st floor sold food, the 2nd-electronics, 3rd furniture. We went over to the 6th floor, which was like a flee market. Plenty of cheap goods and fake ones as well. However, its understandable as what do you expect from 6dollars for a "branded" T-shirt or 20 dollars for a Gucci handbag? It was a great experience though. The arcade there was really cheap and i cant beleive i spend 2hrs there trying out all their games.

holi journal week2

On the second day, i woke up at around 5am. The bed was probably at least 20years old, cus it felt like concrete. The pillow was also too soft, so did not sleep that well. Lucky for me, i got quite a lot of sleep on the plane last night. Time to explore Bangkok! My family and I walked to the nearby shopping centre named MBK( shortform for something). The roads of bangkok was congested, there were even motorcyclist risking their lives, going the opposite directions from traffic to cut through the jam. But worst of all, was the pollution. The black,dusty and foul smelling residue from diesel oil entered our noses and eyes. Even walking a 100metre along the roads of bangkok was pure torture to us, singaporeans who lived in the clean and green country all our lives. To Be post

june holiday week1

On my first day at bangkok, we arrived at the airport quite late at night. Their airport, to my suprise, was very similar to singapore's. It was new, spacious and elegantly decorated. However, one imperfection of their airport could not escape my eyes. Their toilets were like practically miles apart. Fortunately, im young and fit. If i was an elderly man, by the time i slowly inched my way to the toilet, my bladder would have" burst", Just to exaggerate it. My family and i then went to eat at some seafood restaurent at around 11pm. We were famished by then, digged in our meals like savage beasts. Then returned to our hotel to sleep, by then the only energy we had left were used to digest our food. That was about all for day 1.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Term2 week10

Whales are disparate from fishes, they are mammals. They may seem very large and scary, however they are actually friendly creatures and often maudlin at times. Whales are omnivorous creatures, with puissant tail to propel their heavy body. They are endangered animals, and extant in the deep seas of certain parts of the world.

term2 week9

In 2003, singapore's goverment fiat that all suspected sars patients were to be quarentine and isolated. Flying in and out of singapore became restrictive , as health check stations were set up. The virus was rife among singapore, and legion of people were infected. It cause much strife among the people.

term2 week 8

John lennon was famous figure back in the 90s. He held many unforgetable performances during his peregrination around the world. Myraid of his buff deemed him as their god and were obcessed with him. His songs were promoting world peace, modify the world, into one without violence and war.

term2 week7

Maths is a very assiduous subject. There are some simple questions and some that require manifold of steps to solve. Many students are what u can call "gullible" as they think that a 6 marks question can be solve in 2 steps. Maths is like a hard enigma which takes lots of practice to produce impeccable results.

term2 week6

My grandfather is one of the indigenous people who braved all hardships to come to singapore from china. He is a altruistic and frugal person, however not tempted by cupidity. He stays at the old folks home not wanting to burden us, but the main reason would be because he enjoys the gregarious over there and enviroment there, which is always amorous.

term2 week5

Henry was sentenced to 10 years in jail for being an accomplice and the liquidation of the murder weapon in a murder case. He filed many appeals to the president hoping he could be pardoned. To his disapointment, all his appeals were invalidate. However, he perservered and kept filing appeals. His appeals were successful in the end due to him being a paragon in prison and him trying to whitewash his bad habits and staart afresh.

term2 week4

Pete scurry through the crowd in the canteen, as the mammoth size bully chased after him. He came to a dead end, with all the valor he had left, he hurled what seemed like a deadly punch. However, the bully blocked it and pushed him to the ground. Supined, all he could was to shout for help as stentorian as he could.

term2 week3

The situation was out of the frying pan into the fire. The general did not want to jeopardize any more of his men's safety, trying to conquer the enemy land with so little men left. So he came up with a skeptical plan, which many of his men doubt would work. However, it was the only way of survival till reenforcement came. So they start to dig a subterranean haven.

term2 week2

I don't exactly like teachers. However, one of the only teacher's who has not been expunge from my mind would be none other than Mr Sim. He is always dressed in anything but jaunty looking clothes, his clothes would be old-fashioned and in two colours, with his shirt neatly tucked in. His box of chalks would be intergral during his lessons, as unlike other teachers he liked teaching the old-fashioned way. Not to forget, the handy flamboyant comb in his right back pocket, which he never fails to bring to class. Despite our "good" behavior, he stills lets us off early for recess as a remuneration.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

term2 week1

John was a very zealous person in class, he was a very joyful and quip around sporadic, and lax sometimes when it comes to homework. No one ever expected him to obviate murder, with meticulous planning for the past 3 years. It was a shock to everyone who knew him.

Monday, June 9, 2008

term1 week10

Being a squeamish person, Sally immediately recoiled when she saw the big ferocious mastiff. Her face turn wan in an instant when the dog started to approach her. She just stood there inert, feeling very light, she was about to faint any moment.

term1 week10

Being a squeamish person, Sally immediately recoiled when she saw the big ferocious mastiff. Her face turn wan in an instant when the dog started to approach her. She just stood there inert, feeling very light, she was about to faint any moment.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

term1 week9

The nefarious leader not only was infefectual and could not manage the country, he also extorted money from his people. Hence, he had little entourage and most of his people loath to advocate him, which later on caused him to lose the rally. He had no choice but to step down.

term1 week8

The tenseness in the atmosphere of the room began to acsend, as many footsteps and movement could be heard through the door. Suddenly the door flew open, which was followed with a loud thud upon crashing onto the floor. The police surged into the room, the fretful hostages finally sighed a breathe of relieve after the five hour long holdup. The police led them to a sanctuary without emaciating any time.